Monday, October 13, 2008

My refund from Comcast arrives

The refund from Comcast has finally arrived today. I still haven't received my final statement by mail but Sandi who followed up by email to make sure that I received the check was nice enough to email the statement to me.  So, it seems that I was able to cancel my service with Comcast after all.  It was a very painful process and I hope that other Comcast customers are treated better than me but at least I'm done.

I should write another post later that summarizes all the advice I got about this issue.  But I can say quickly that complaining publicly is much better than trying to talk to customer service of Comcast because (at least in my experience) their customer service reps are not capable of doing something as simple as closing an account even after you talk to them month after month for 5 months.

So, if you're not having luck with the Comcast customer service, try @ComcastCares on Twitter and if at all possible, get a story on Consumerist .  This approach worked for me.


Heather:) said...

Rock on, good for you. I'm glad things were fixed.

Heather:) said...

Rock on, good for you. I'm glad things were fixed.

Anonymous said...

I too am waiting for a refund for 6 months now. Everytime I call, they say 3 more weeks, and last time the customer service person started yelling at me instead! Its like I am begging them for my own money. What can I do?

Michał Cierniak said...

I found that the only way to solve my problem was to publicize it. Have a look at my other posts to see how you can use Twitter or set up your own blog. If you want to be sure that you have all the legal protection possible, mail a certified letter to Comcast (if you can find a mailing address for Comcast). And keep a good log of your communication with Comcast.

Good luck!

alina said...
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consumer complaint format said...
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D Phanchalad said...
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Anonymous said...
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